
Highland cattle calves
Highland cattle calves

highland cattle calves

As a result Epic was just chosen to breed another dozen plus by either AI or live cover. He carries himself across fields & pastures with grace, elegance, pride and all the youthful athletic majesty that makes him so wonderful & at times even amazing to see. There's no U spined swayback in this Highland Bull. He's muscular and his top line is straight & superb as it should be for a top of the line Highland. – Also important to us & any high end genetic considering breeder … In conformation to the Heritage Highland standards, Epic has flowing hair, a superb dossan and he's proportionate from front to back. He's been super gentle & very considerate toward his fold as well as toward all that have come to see him. Children and adults from less than a year old to 97 years old have combed, brushed, fed, leaned on him & laid on him. The reason that's important is because Epic has met & interacted with literally thousands of people of all ages. People have driven hundreds of miles plus and have literally flown more than a thousand miles from across the country & Canada to come visit, see & interact with Epic and his offspring. As mentioned, Epic has lots of fans and a great following. Epic is extremely gentle and kind with us, our fold and with our visitors & guests. Lastly, I bring up the following because most that are newer to Highland breeding & the industry generally do not realize that in addition to genetics and proper nutrition how important low stress is to the success of one's foundational breeding fold. People have driven hundreds of miles and flown from across the country & Canada to come visit, see & interact with Epic and his offspring. He is extremely gentle and kind with us, the fold and with our visitors & guests. He just turned 6, has lots of fans & a great following. Epic is young, strong, athletic & virile. As much as it breaks my heart, for Epic's sake & for the benefit of the Highland breed, Epic should have a new fold. Overall Epic has been such a successful breeder that too often we have to keep him sequestered from his number of offspring and certain dams on our ranch scheduled to be AI'D by others which keeps him deprived of his family, his fold, his potential & breeding. An ultimate Heritage Highland Bull in looks, personality, breeding and the amazing quality of his calves. He's been a tested & proven primary breeding bull and a well tested & proven top of the line AI Bull. For us … Epic has been beyond outstanding. In the US, Epic Lad has certainly proven himself to be worthy of his great line. Epics lineage & fore-bearers have been recognized as containing among the best of the best of Canada, Great Britain & Scotland Names that include great breedings from Douneside, Benmore, Sunset, Windrush, Glencoich, Scone Palace and Ormsary of Scotland & the renowned Glen Osprey Farm of Canada. Champion & Championships from Canada to New York to the National Western to recognized breeding over three continents Europe, North America & Australia. It contains a listing of Championships, Grand Championship & Overall Supreme Championship from the Royal Agricultural shows in Ontario, to the Royal in Toronto. Reading a printout of his lineage is like reading a who's who of some of the best Highland ranches, farms & breeders of the British Commonwealth. Both parents, Epic's Sire & Dam's line are direct into Scotland. She is a proven and loving mother who has had many nice calves.Ĭontact: David or Jill, Cold Ass Ranch Highland Cattle Co, Elizabeth, CO Phone: 30 Email: Click to EmailĪbout Epic Lad: Epic Lad was born in Canada. She is an unregistered purebred highland.īumpkin is an unregistered purebred Highland from Whiskey Belle Ranch. Pumpkin is a proven and loving mother born on at Whiskey Belle Ranch from good stock. We are keeping some of his offspring and he needs a new home. J Bar T's Henley is a proven gorgeous bull born on 05/10/17. He is a gentle proven bull that is looking for a new home and new girl friends. We also have feeder and market ready steers available for purchase. Are you looking for some Highland cows, here are some available.Īlso check out the two AHCA registered bulls, beautiful animals, ready to service your females.

Highland cattle calves